full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Oren Yakobovich: Hidden cameras that film injustice in the world’s most dangerous places

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Today, we're working with hundreds of activists filming undercover. We work with them both to understand the situation on the gurond and which images are mssniig to describe it, who are the ones that are influencing the situation, and when to release the mraateil to advance the srlggute. Sometimes, it's about putting it in the media, mostly local ones, to create awareness. Sometimes it's working with decision makers, to change laws. Sometimes, it's working with lerwyas to use as evidence in court. But more than often, the most effective way to certae a social change is to work within the community.

Open Cloze

Today, we're working with hundreds of activists filming undercover. We work with them both to understand the situation on the ______ and which images are _______ to describe it, who are the ones that are influencing the situation, and when to release the ________ to advance the ________. Sometimes, it's about putting it in the media, mostly local ones, to create awareness. Sometimes it's working with decision makers, to change laws. Sometimes, it's working with _______ to use as evidence in court. But more than often, the most effective way to ______ a social change is to work within the community.


  1. missing
  2. lawyers
  3. struggle
  4. material
  5. create
  6. ground

Original Text

Today, we're working with hundreds of activists filming undercover. We work with them both to understand the situation on the ground and which images are missing to describe it, who are the ones that are influencing the situation, and when to release the material to advance the struggle. Sometimes, it's about putting it in the media, mostly local ones, to create awareness. Sometimes it's working with decision makers, to change laws. Sometimes, it's working with lawyers to use as evidence in court. But more than often, the most effective way to create a social change is to work within the community.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
human rights 5
west bank 5
ruling political 4
political party 4
hidden cameras 4
jewish settlers 3
intimidation meeting 2
israeli army 2
masked men 2
palestinian family 2
billion people 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
ruling political party 4

Important Words

  1. activists
  2. advance
  3. awareness
  4. change
  5. community
  6. court
  7. create
  8. decision
  9. describe
  10. effective
  11. evidence
  12. filming
  13. ground
  14. hundreds
  15. images
  16. influencing
  17. laws
  18. lawyers
  19. local
  20. makers
  21. material
  22. media
  23. missing
  24. putting
  25. release
  26. situation
  27. social
  28. struggle
  29. today
  30. undercover
  31. understand
  32. work
  33. working